Spring has arrived along the shores of Lake Texoma. We have been busy with many projects in the yard and garden.
Past due is the time to reflect upon the successes and failures after one year of gardening efforts.
Surprisingly the failures are few and not catastrophic.
The Fat Albert Blue Spruce Pine did not survive the summer heat and drought. The final death stroke was when the neighbor’s kid ran it over on his go-cart.
The Lamb’s Ear drowned early in it’s short life span. If I was a “proper” or “energetic” gardener I would pull everything out of the East and West Flower beds, till in more compost and basically start over with better soil. However since I have more projects than time or energy, I’m going to let it be what lives in these beds stays. There is a tad too much red clay to drain well. Some plants are thriving so I’ll leave well enough alone.
The Barberry shrub did not survive and it had more thorns than I was comfortable working around, so it was no great loss. I plucked it out with glee.
The Encore Azaleas in the Island Bed are struggling, the jury is still out as we’ll give them another year but it does not look promising.
Many, many. Bragging time - really it is mostly trial and error process.
Grass, the lushness of a lawn, Blanket Flowers, Marie Dahly Rose Bushes, Marigolds naturally reseeding and sprouting, Zinnias, Crape Myrtles, Rock Roses, Skull Cap, Texas Rock Roses, Daylillies and on on on.
Major Projects in the works:
Vegetable Garden, the plot is 30’ x 60’. This year we’ll guard our plants with an electric fence and a liquid organic pest repellant fence.
Flagstone steps off the back porch to the east and second tier of flower bed.
Retaining wall and flagstone patio extension on the north with steps.
Fence on the north, the posts are mostly set.
Bridge and flagstone walk at the front entry.
Flower Bed Sketches and Plans