Rainfall Records in Sherman, Texas.
Last year precipitation from January 1, 2011 to June 11, 2011 registered 8.69 inches (my yard had less rain fall than Sherman last spring),
this year 14.97 inches. And we are still
below average for the year and coming into the driest months of the year July and
Average Annual Rainfall is 42.1 inches per year.
Last year the yard and garden struggled, this year it
The flowering plants just keep blooming and blooming. The grass is growing and spreading. The garden is producing.
Summer Squash
Whiskey Barrel Planters
- David just had to have the whiskey barrels, They are huge planters and so far doing well
in the island bed.
Daisies and Texas Rock Rose – lovely contrast of color along
the front of the house in the west bed.
The view as you drive in ---
Hanging Baskets and lush green lawn – the view from the hammock is lush and colorful. I
discovered water storing beads. Several
brands are available. The beads hold the
water in the pots so if you can’t water every day (or twice as day as is needed
sometimes in the hot dry heat) the plants can pull the water out of the gel.
Marigolds, Cosmos, Hibiscus and Dahl Daisies. The huge blooms on the Luna White Hibiscus
Moonflowers which open in the evening are a lovely
accent. My sister Patricia brought me a moonflower sprout from her garden. It is happy in it's new home and thriving with large beautiful blooms.
A gardeners work (or planing) is never done... I still want to add some contrast color among the marigolds and cosmos. David says I need to fill in some bare spots... All in time.
Looks beautiful! I cannot wait to see it all in person over the 4th!