Late winter, mid February has been cold and snowy. Remember the native pine planted at Christmas time, it survived the heavy snow cap. Where is that hint of spring in the air? On top of cold and snow it has been dark and gray. The weather patterns have been very untypical for North Texas February weather. Record snow falls and low temperatures plague the wanna be gardener in me, eager to start.
Even the seedlings are struggling, so I have put them under artificial light. Maybe that will inspire the tiny sprouts to strengthen up. I am a novice gardener, so if all my sprouts wilt and die I won’t be too disheartened but while there is a hint of life, I’ll continue to nurture the seedlings along.

While awaiting decent out door weather, David and I built two bed frames. I’ll move them out doors and I have the row cover fabric to anchor with rocks or stakes to begin to set out the seedlings in a semi protected area so that they can harden. Sort of looks like a covered wagon frame. Don't you think? My son, Kevin used the term harden last year and it was the first time I think I’ve ever heard it. But the tiny baby sprouts started in doors handle the transition from being coddled in the nest to being kicked out to rigors of the yard if it is a slow transition or hardening. Makes sense! I don’t have time to coddle the plants along so will try the protected method. We’ll see how it goes. Regardless the frames won’t go to waste as I plan to use them to stake up tomatoes in one and beans in the other and to use them for cold beds with the covers for winter lettuce.
Next two projects will be 1)set the frames in place and fill them with a good garden mix of soil and 2) to get some drip irrigation system installed. If the weather would cooperate and give us a dry sunny weekend.
The rest of the plans for spring will be to lay a flagstone walk, finish grading and hopefully seed some lawn in addition to establishing three flowering plant beds and more. Always more as it is a work in progress that will span many years.
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