The indoor seedlings I planted are struggling. The lack of sunny days has paid it's toll. I relented and purchased a grow lamp/light and have it set on a timer. I won't relent on the indoor thermostat setting so the heat will remain low. The seedlings that have survived will have to suffice with the temperature as it remains. I have a feeling though that once the sun starts shining on a consistent basis in North Texas the temps will start rising.
Oh but these are the joys and challenges of trying to garden in this fair state of extremes we call home and Texas.
The garden bed frame constructed in February still sits atop the picnic table. It's been either too cold or muddy to work in yard.
The only decent yard weekend we've had in North Texas, David and I spent in a valiant attempt to "MAKE OVER" the tiny yard in Coppell. The hope that anything green sprouting will lure a buyer. It does have the appearance of being a very professional landscape. Hhrrrm IMHO.
The poor doggies, Molly and Bella are banned to the tiny dog run in the side yard while in the 'burbs'. Don't feel too sad for the dogs, they get to run and roam at will when at the lake home.

The moral of the story is there is no instant gratification in gardening. So the yard remains barren but the hours of labor and the amount of progress are enormous if you look between the lines.
Gardening and patience go hand in hand.
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